A Rincónvenient Truth

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

En Español

Myth 1: It is a trail
Truth 1: It is a road (click to read more)

Myth 2: It follows the old train right of way
Truth 2: Many sections are built adjacent to the beach (click to read more)

Myth 3: The trail will connect Barrio Puntas to Pueblo
Truth 3: The road will be built in 2 phases. Phase 2 which includes the Domes Trail might be built at some future date (click to read more)

Myth 4: The trail will be green
Truth 4: The road will harm or destroy beaches, habitat, beach access and water quality (click to read more)

Myth 5: This trail will be good for Rincón
Truth 5: This trail failed to include public input, lacks integration with municipal projects, is overbuilt and outrageously expensive (click to read more)

The solution (click to read more)

What you can do...(click to read more)

Rincón Bike Path Blog (with updates) (Click here to keep updated)

Additional information (click to read more)
